It's been one heck of a winter! I suppose, because the last couple were pretty mild, God said, "I owe you!" Ha! With temperatures in the teens and mountains of snow, it was simply not suitable weather for kids to play outside in. Not only does cold weather prevent us from going outside, so does the unbearable heat, and spring showers! So, in honor of it FINALLY being spring, here are some indoor activities to do together as a family!
Purchase a canvas for each member of the family and paint! Have everyone pick two or three colors of their choice of acrylic paints which are relatively cheap at your local arts and crafts store. Equip each member with paint, brushes, and even a paint palette! Once completed and dried, hang the masterpieces in a special place in the home for everyday enjoyment. We did this in the Messy Momma household recently. We all painted a picture of our home! The variations are so.. interesting, but it's a great memory to hang in the living room!
Receiving a letter has become a memory of the past due to our advances in technology. (Can you tell I'm all about writing?!) Have the kids write a letter (or draw a picture depended upon the age) to an aunt, grandparent, or family friend. Have you and your husband join in on this almost forgotten art, too!
If you are looking to gain some exercise and want to shake off those winter blues, conduct a freeze dance party right in your living room! It helps to get the giggles and relentless energy of out everyone! This is a huge hit here!
Entertainment is important and plays are fun! Have the children put on a play. Help them choose costumes and equipment and sit back and enjoy their imaginations run wild!
All of the above activities are great ideas for a simple night in or because of inclement weather. Of course there are our old time favorites: board games, movies, baking, hide and seek, camping out indoors etc. Whatever you choose to do - stay dry and wait for the May flowers!
This article has been previously posted: Working Mothers Philadelphia Some of it has been changed.
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