Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Years Eve! - Ringing in 2015!

Happy New Years eve, all!

*Cue brief and sappy reflective post. Cliche and unashamed.*

I always get excited for the New Year. It's a chance for a clean slate and new beginnings. There is something sincerely refreshing about that notion. And yes, I know the start of a new week could possibly be a clean state but I'm a slow mover and prefer to just wait the year out. Judge me not. 

This year I will be ringing in the new year the same way I rung in 2014. In bed. Husband, kids, and pup in tow. Surrounded by snacks, naturally. Laughing and yawning equally. Awaiting the final countdown to midnight so we can all get to bed. I've a geriatric soul at heart. Anytime after 10pm is entirely too late.  I can't hang.

2014 was a good year. It was the first year, in a long time, to be a year of consistency for my family. No moves. No new medical diagnosis', or school changes. No new headaches pets. I did, however, get a gym membership! That was new and fancy and short lived. I honestly wish this tidbit made the year feel different and progressive, but everything remains status quo over here! #foreverfat Oh well. Just another year older, ready to grasp the reigns of 2015 and take it on by storm. 

My 2014 new year resolutions were to love, dance, and read more. I think I held onto them reasonably well. Loved my family harder for sure! Attended a few Zumba classes. (That does count guys. Who are you? The resolution police?) And I read many great books, too! 

My 2015 New Year Resolution is to keep focus. I've many things I hope to achieve and do in the next few years. Too many things probably. And time isn't slowing down. Time, it seems, is like a steep hill and the further we go down this hill, or further into the future, the faster we seem to tumble. It's easy to loose focus, however; it's extremely important not to. Time is flying us by! It's essential for me to keep my vision clear and not focus on life's insignificant bumps and distractions along the way. I simply want to put my best foot forward. Focusing on every step of the way! Word of the day? Focus!

I pray 2015 is another year of consistency. Just another year of good health. Another year of achievements. Another year of joy. For myself. For the Messy Household. For all of us. Christ willing.  

2015 has already promised me so much. I start a  new position at work Jan 5th! Hooray to career changes! RT will be officially in the double digits and QT a whooping 8 years old! Hooray for  my earlier point being made! Time flies!! I'm looking forward to my becoming a brand new aunt in 2015! Hooray for this precious baby boy! Taking my boys to Disney World for the first time! Hooray for empty bank accounts! And bringing more material and posts to this blog! Woo hoo!

Most importantly, I'm looking forward to my resolution. Focus! On Christ. On my family. On my goals. 

I hope 2014 was good to all of you and my prayer is 2015 will be ever better!

Messy Momma

What are some things you appreciated in 2014 and are looking forward to in 2015? Comment below!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Vanilla Sugar Scrubs: Crafty Creative

Hey there!

It's the most wonderful time of the year! Yes, I am singing. Yes, you are lucky you cannot hear me.

Christmas is quickly approaching and I truly cannot wait! I'm grateful I started early with the Messy Household. Everything is purchased and even wrapped! When I'm behind on things it can really suck the joy out of the season. Thankfully there will be no Grinch over here this Christmas! But lo' and behold - I have found myself last minute with something. A fun gift for my beautiful mother and lovely sisters. Also, getting out the family Christmas cards but who is really keeping track? 

I've been searching the beautiful black hole that is Pinterest for a fun idea that would be both thoughtful, useful, and economically sound. My pockets are running dry this Christmas season. Luckily, I found such a great idea for my mother and sisters!

Vanilla Sugar Scrub!

Look how fancy and festive they are with their miniature bows and santa hat background. & of course I've made one for myself. I can't wait to try it out!

And you can, too! I found the recipe for them here: Vanilla Sugar Scrub

Here's a brief and delicious overview of the benefits of the ingredients:

Sugar: Sugar exfoliates and rids the skin of dead skin cells. 

Honey: Honey is firstly delicious. Not the best reason to slab it all over your body? Okay. Point made. Honey is both an antioxidant and moisturizer for your skin. 
Olive Oil: Moisturizer.
Vanilla: Subtle and charming aroma. 

I just know they're going to love them!

Merry Merry Christmas, all!

What are some great and economically savvy ideas you've on your Christmas lists this year? 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Prayers for the Stolen: Book Review

Prayers for the Stolen by Jennifer Clement was not only shared the story of Ladydi Martinez; it shared the story of many young girls, women, and the tragedies to be had on that small mountain face in Guerrero, Mexico.

​I was hooked the entire time. Every part of Ladydi's life story held me in it's haunted grasp. It was an emotional, well written and quick pace read about the abduction of girls, life in the rural jungle, drug wars, murder, deceit, poverty, lies, and love.

The times when it felt poetic were the most beautiful. Jennifer Clement did a wonderful job with imagery. You will feel what Ladydi felt, smell what she smelt, and see what she saw. ​
I felt the important characters were completely developed. The author developed them through experiences and interactions with others. ​Ladydi's mother was my favorite character. She was peculiar in many ways; indirectly praying for things, speaking what was on her mind and nothing less, and being brave at the most uncomfortable times when one would crumble in defeat. And even though she was displayed as a truly rigid woman, many times it was clear there were several soft spots underneath her crusted exterior. ​

As a disclaimer, there are bouts of strong language, violent and sexual themes throughout the book. 

Thank you to Blogging for Books for a complimentary copy for my honest review. 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Messy Momma, you're not alone.

I created this blog as a creative outlet. I'm big on jumping into a new project at every twinkling of inspiration I feel and then letting go when inspiration has left me. 

I was feeling less than inspired and with life's constant demands, I wasn't finding the time for posting.

Until this morning. 

Last night, QT told me his framed Spider-Man Comic cover fell from the wall. (He was trying to put something in between the frame. Something he obviously shouldn't be doing.) I told him to set it aside and I would fix it later and to next time leave it alone. 

This morning, as I turn on the light to wake them up and come into their room to give them some morning inspiration, I notice the frame to the Spider-Man poster board was played with and now completely cracked. (This was a poster frame, an expensive purchase, and a sincere effort to make their room stylish, unique, and new for them in the new house. This poster lasted 6 months.)

I was annoyed.

Inspiration struck me again. It was a reminder why I created this blog in the first place. Am I the only parent who has to deal with this? Are my kids the only destructive beings around? 

I know QT isn't the "norm." But is there really such a thing? Sometimes, getting him to do something he has no interest in doing takes repeated efforts, stern reminders, and sometimes bribing. But, isn't this something all parents face? 

I spend time on Pinterest, eyes glazed over with pure envy, looking at the mommy bloggers who seem to have it all together. Everything is neat. No stains on kids cute matchy matchy outfits. Big smiles.Toys put away. Fun adventures. Perfection. And they still have time to up cycle furniture and do Pilates. And I think how my life doesn't represent this, 25% of the time. Who are these people?!

In the Messy household, it's yelling, disorder, noise, mess, but love. The love is what's important. 

Just this past weekend, I went out with my mom and sister and a family friend and her family and all I asked were for nice smiles. 


Hunched over with forced smiles. Their best effort. 

Here were 90% of what the others looked like:

This is my life.

I created this blog so that other Messy Momma's can know they're not alone. That in other houses too, the laundry seems to multiply every few minutes, stepping on multiple unforeseen Legos seems to be a right of passage into parenthood, the kids often wear mix-match socks, and frozen pizza for the second night in the row sometimes just has to do. And it's all okay.

As long as love and forgiveness will always be what's not only present but what's in abundance, you're doing okay Momma. 

We just need to remind ourselves, sometimes.